Breast Uplift & Reduction: Which is Right for You?
Many women who have large breasts often suffer neck, shoulder and back pain and in some cases bad posture. Very large breasts can make it difficult and very uncomfortable to perform physical activity and droopy breasts can be aesthetically displeasing.
Does Ultrasound Fat Cavitation Work?
In Dubai, about 50 percent of people say they want to lose weight. However, weight loss is easier said than done. If you’ve tried diet and exercise and still haven’t seen the results you want, it might be time for
Lip Fillers: What are they and what do they feel like?
Lip Fillers What are they and what do they feel like? Having plump, full lips is often considered to be a sign of good health, youth, and beauty. Whether you were born with naturally thin lips, have one lip bigger
What is Blepharoplasty?
What is Blepharoplasty? Loose skin above the eyes, tired eyes or bags under the eyes can be improved dramatically with eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty. Eyelid surgery improves the appearance of your upper eyelids, lower eyelids or both. A
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
October marks worldwide Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and with statistics showing that one in eight women are likely to develop breast cancer in their lifetime, many of us have been directly or indirectly affected by the disease. One of our
Microdermabrasion: What is it and how does it improve your skin?
Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive procedure that uses tiny crystals or other exfoliating surfaces to help remove the superficial layer of dead skin cells. When you remove the stratum corneum, or the top layer of skin, the body interprets it as