The Benefits of Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical procedure performed by plastic surgeons to remove fat from certain areas of the body. The procedure is performed for cosmetic purposes and not for weight loss or other health reasons. In the early years of liposuction surgeries, the procedure was performed using a curettage scoop. The method quickly became unpopular due to the high rates of death and other side effects. Today, liposuction has become a much safer procedure due to advancements in technology. Surgeons perform the procedure using technologies such as ultrasound waves and lasers to liquefy the fat before being removed by a suction pump.
Although liposuction may seem like a quick way to lose body weight by removing fat, the procedure is not recommended to treat obesity. Candidates for this procedure should be within the normal weight range or slightly above. Excess fat that cannot be removed through normal diet and exercise can be removed through liposuction.
It is important to understand that liposuction cannot remove cellulite. Performing the procedure at areas with cellulites can cause skin irregularities thus negating the effects.
Age is not necessarily a factor when considering patients for the procedure, as long as the patient is in good health. However, bear in mind that skin elasticity lessens due to age. After the procedure, it will take a longer time for the skin of older patients to tighten, unlike younger patients who still have elastic skin.
Liposuction cannot be performed on people with heart problems, blood-clotting disorders, or those who are pregnant.
What you need to expect
You will first need to consult a surgeon regarding the procedure. After receiving some basic details about the type of liposuction to be performed, you will undergo a medical background check to ensure that you’re healthy enough for the procedure. Your surgeon needs to be aware of any allergies, medications and herbal supplements you are currently taking. If the surgeon determines that you are a good candidate for liposuction, you will then be asked to refrain from taking alcohol days before the scheduled operation. It is also likely that your diet will be controlled before the procedure.
Liposuction is normally considered a day-surgical procedure, but this will depend on your physical condition and the amount of fat to be removed. If you are physically fit and do not require a large amount of fat to be removed, you will likely be able to go home to recuperate.
Before the actual surgery, you will be given anesthetic. General anesthesia is mostly used in cases where the surgeon needs to remove large amounts of fat. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the surgeon will perform a small cut at the targeted area. An ultrasound or laser will be used to liquefy the fat, which is then removed via a suction pump.
The recovery process
The length of time needed for recovery will depend on how much fat was removed. Normally, it will only take a couple of day’s rest before you can return to work or to your normal activities. During that time, you will need to wear a compressive garment to prevent the skin from sagging. The skin over the treated area will continue to sag even after a few days. It will take several months before the skin tightens.