Is plastic surgery on your 2019 to-do list? If so, then you’re not alone. The interest and availability of cosmetic surgery is set to grow yet again this year as technologies and markets soar to levels we couldn’t have predicted at the start of the 2000s. So whether you’re wanting to shake up your look, iron out some creases, or just see what’s on offer, this is the article for you. We scanned the scene to aggregate some of the most exciting things that 2019 can offer, and may be on the cards with your next visit to the surgeon. So, what’s new…?

Welcome to the World of the “Tweak-Ment”

Disproportionate breast enhancements, overfilled lips, and exaggerated cosmetic procedures, are all trends that are on their way out. Now a successful plastic surgery or cosmetic procedure should no longer be obvious. Patients increasingly want to maintain their general face structure, inherited family traits, and just generally want to look like themselves, but with a few refined tweaks.

Injectables and ‘quick fix’ surgeries will rise

Injectable procedures are popular for a good reason. They are quick, relatively painless, and produce fast results – just what every customer is asking for on the plastic surgery market.  Plastic surgeons have seen more and more customers demanding ‘minimally invasive surgeries’ that meet just these guidelines, and injectables are just one of them. A top example would be the filler injection – used to smooth and hide lines of ageing on the face. Whilst their results are not always permanent, and may need topping up, they remain hugely popular.

Breast augmentations are going high-tech

Recent advances in breast augmentation are sure to set the standard high for new customers. New hybrid surgery procedures – which combine implant, fat transfer, and reshaping – are taking the benefits of all three procedures and combing them helps to make the whole thing less risky, more natural looking, and faster healing. What’s not to like?

Niche Treatments Are on the Rise

Small, hyper-specific procedures to resolve minor but irksome facial and body quirks are increasing in popularity. These “micro-optimizations,” include the unorthodox use of filler in locations other than the traditional cheekbone, like the earlobe to tighten a stretched piercing from heavy earrings.

Body Contouring Is Expected to Soar

New non-invasive muscle and body fat-shaping procedures, using handvheld tool using magnetic fields – activate muscle contractions in the body to break down fat and build muscle. Body fat responds to the metabolic reaction of the contractions by breaking down, essentially tricking your body into thinking it’s working out. 

Men are opening up to plastic surgery

According to an important report (the RealSelf Aesthetics Insight Report) that was issued in September, men are getting into plastic surgery in new ways. Previously, men were interested mostly in ‘brotox’ – anti-ageing injectables for male skin. Figures show that they are branching out, and that in 2019 we can expect more and more men to be opting for breast reduction procedures and perhaps tummy tuck procedures, too. An interesting question might be, are gym memberships increasing or decreasing alongside this?

This brief run down is just the tip of the iceberg – plastic surgery is set to grow in directions that we cannot predict right at this moment. We aim to stay on top of the progress, and bring tips to you before anyone else. If these tips have inspired you, please remember to ask your doctor before agreeing to go for cosmetic surgery, and always choose accredited surgeons.