Pink October: Breast Cancer Awareness & The Importance Of Being Tested

Pink October is all about breast cancer awareness month and Amwaj Polyclinic is here to share advice on how to self-examine and perhaps even beat the disease ahead of time.
Across the female population, breast cancer is the most common neoplastic disease worldwide (excluding non-melanoma skin cancer). According to the American Cancer Society, about 12% ofwomen will develop invasive breast cancer throughout their lifetime, and 1 in 39 will die from it.

These figures are only intended to highlight the importance of early diagnosis. If the disease is caught in time, there’s a high probability of full recovery, or at least a dramatic increase in patients’ life expectancy (and quality).
There are two diagnostic methods that certainly detect breast cancer: mammography and ultrasound. Which to use will depend mainly on breast density and age.
Ultrasound Vs Mammography – What’s the difference?
While breast ultrasound is more reliable in symptomatic women 45 years or younger, mammography has shown great sensitivity in women 60 years or older. The accuracy of mammograms increased as the breasts became less dense. That’s why in young women and women with dense breasts, ultrasound appears superior and might be an appropriate initial imaging test.
The early detection of breast cancer is essential to its prognosis. And as no women can do one of these tests every week, it is highly advisable to perform breast self-examination pretty often.
Amwaj Polyclinic shares an easy guide to explain how to properly self examine yourself:
1.Look at your breasts in the mirror with your shoulders straight and your arms on your hips. Beware to the color, size, and shape of them. Look for distortions or swellings.
2. Raise your arms and repeat the process of the first step. Before you leave the mirror, look for any unusual liquid coming out from one or both nipples.
3. Palpation while lying down: Feel your left breast with your right hand and vice-versa. Keep a steady, constant pressure with the first few finger pads of your hand, keeping the fingers flat and together. Follow a pattern to be sure that you cover the entire breast.
4. Palpation standing up: Use the same technic as point 3, covering the breast’s whole surface. Some women prefer to do this step when the breast iswet, so it is advisable to perform it when taking a shower.
In case of discovery
If at any moment you feel that something is not right, such as a lump, don’t panic. It might be a benign tumor (they are quite common). However, don’t hesitate to visit your doctor for a more careful examination.
Make self-examination a routine, take your time to do it properly, and repeat it at least once a month. And finally, keep a record of every discovery that you have when palpating, along with your medical exams.

Complimentary Breast Cancer Screening – Limited Slots Available.
Our in-house gynecologist Dr. Lusine Kazaryan will be performing complimentary assessments every Monday during the month of October with limited slots available, don’t miss out this opportunity to get yourself tested.
The screening check-up will include:
- Ultrasound Check-Up
- Palpitation
- Guidance for self-examination
- 25% off gynecology services during your visit on that day only.
Plastic Surgery Department: Pink October Limited Offer
Schedule a consultation today with the Amwaj Polyclinic team.
Call: +971 (0) 4 422 13 31
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