Non-Invasive Body Tightening and Contouring Treatments – EndyMed 3DEEP RF

Non-Invasive Body Tightening and Contouring Treatments – EndyMed 3DEEP RF
Non-invasive body treatments are some of the most in-demand treatments today. In fact, non-invasive body contouring is the fastest-growing segment today within the world of aesthetic dermatology as people are seeking new ways of improving their bodies without having to do it surgically.

All over the world, society is under pressure to achieve this ”ideal” body image. It’s everywhere – messages that promote weight loss, that push the idea that thinness for women and muscularity for men is best, and body confidence is tied to the idea of the “perfect body”. Being happy and confident in how your body looks should not be connected to what society dictates how you should look but should be based on what makes you feel the best about yourself – that’s why it’s important to seek out other methods.
Endymed introduced 3DEEP RF body treatment to promote further body positivity and confidence as a part of their values.
It focuses on the positive and not the negative, challenging you to appreciate and respect your body and understanding that there is no right or wrong when it comes to weight, shape, size and appearance.
3DEEP RF treatments are available to support whatever aesthetic change you feel you would like to make – 3DEEP is a non-invasive technology option available that works with your body’s natural rejuvenating process to make the changes you want to make to your body, changes that will provide you with the results that will give you personal satisfaction, without invasive procedures that carry risk and long periods of after treatment downtime.
You will find the different types of extremely effective handpieces:
- the Contour
- the Shaper
- Mini-Shaper
These shapers will provide amazing long-term results for:
Circumference reduction & Cellulite reduction
The Contour handpiece is amazingly effective for cellulite reduction. The Contour combines 3DEEP’s deep volumetric heating with our unique fractionated pulse vacuum technology to reach a heating depth of 26mm, unparalleled in the industry and any other technology in the market.

3DEEP RF treatments – Other treatments
- Arm tightening
- Thighs and buttocks
- tightening
- Waist and abdomen tightening
- Knee tightening
- Facial lifting and tightening
Rest assured that 3DEEP body treatments are suitable for all skin types, are safe and pleasant and have no after-treatment downtime.
You can get visible results after just one treatment, however, some of the most successful long-term effects are seen after 6-8 treatments.
3DEEP body treatments offer both immediate and long-term amazing results. Try it out today!
Schedule a consultation today with the Amwaj Polyclinic award-winning team.