Everything You Need To Know About The PRP Treatment For Hair Loss

Be it genetic, hormonal, autoimmune, or stress-related, premature hair loss and bald patches have become a grave problem in today’s time. Both men and women are also facing these issues due to the modern unhealthy lifestyle and the heavy chemicals present in all skin and hair products we use. After years of research in hair growth stimulation, scientists found that the best compound that can stimulate hair growth is hidden within our blood. The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy is the most natural treatment for encouraging new hair growth, and hence, many doctors now recommend PRP treatment for hair loss problems. 

Though you may be reading about it for the first time here, this treatment has been in practice for more than a decade now. It was originally founded in Europe from where it proliferated to other countries. Let me give you a brief overview of all the facts and figures related to the PRP treatment that can help you understand and perhaps opt for it to treat your hair loss problems:

The Idea Behind the PRP Treatment:

Many believe that the idea of PRP treatment for hair loss may be derived from the ‘vampire facial’ technique where the cosmetologists used the patient’s blood to rejuvenate their face to have a youthful look. 

Our blood consists of a fluid called Plasma, which carries the platelets in our bloodstreams. These platelets are responsible for clotting and healing wounds along with rejuvenation of cells around the body. 

When these platelets are directly injected into the scalp where hair has been lost or doesn’t grow at all due to dead hair follicles, they cause increased blood flow towards the follicles. It stimulates new hair to sprout and also lengthens the anagen, i.e., the active phase of the hair cycle to promote healthy growth. 

Preparing For A PRP Treatment:

Since it is a non-surgical treatment, it doesn’t require any special precautions to take. 

It is recommended that you avoid taking NSAID medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen for three days before the treatment. You must clean your scalp thoroughly and carefully before arriving for the procedure. 

PRP therapy involves multiple sessions to be performed, which will vary depending on your hair and skin condition. You must be prepared to attend these sessions in your daily routine punctually.

Since it is performed as an outpatient treatment, you can drive to and from the clinic by yourself. Also, the entire procedure takes not more than 45 minutes, so you won’t have to clear an entire day’s schedule for it. 

The PRP Treatment Procedure:

Since PRP therapy is a non-surgical procedure and doesn’t cause any significant pain, our cosmetologist may or may not use anesthetics.

First, our cosmetologist will retrieve the required quantity of your blood, most preferably from your arm vein, and place the blood samples in a centrifuge. The centrifuge separates the plasma and platelets, which are moved into another storage system. 

With the help of a specialized syringe or any other thin injecting tool, the cosmetologist will inject your platelet serum carefully under the scalp regions where hair-loss or bald patches have occurred.

Once all the scalp spots are injected, you’ll be allowed to leave right away without any tests or observations.

After Having The PRP Treatment:

The result of PRP treatment takes some time to reflect, ideally three to five months after you complete all the sessions. 

If the cosmetologist has prescribed any hair growth supporting supplements, take them from time to time.

Avoid massaging or shampooing your scalp vigorously for at least 48 hours after each session to ensure the PRP solution is secured at the injected sites.

Since the therapy is carefully planned and assigned for a fixed number of sessions separated by a set amount of period, it is vital that you timely attend each other session to get the best results by the end of the treatment.

The Credibility & Efficiency Of PRP Treatment:

PRP is an effective solution for patients suffering from alopecia areata, an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss and pattern baldness. It has also proved effective in treating age-related hair loss.

With this treatment, patients experience their hair loss gradually disappearing while new and strong hair growth over bald patches. And since it uses your purified blood as the solution, it has next to no risks or complications.

Various studies that have been carried out for testing the credibility and effectiveness of PRP treatment and all reviews have suggested it to be a promising treatment for hair loss, especially in patients suffering from androgenetic alopecia and alopecia areata.

The treatment has shown an apparent increase in patients’ self-confidence and social life, which are often impacted due to baldness.

However, it is yet to be approved by the FDA and still requires substantial research and analysis to fortify its credibility further.

If you’re worried about your hair loss and wondering where you can get such advanced anti-hair loss treatment in Dubai Marina, then Amwaj Polyclinic is right here to serve you. With are DHA-certified staff and top-of-the-line technology, we can help you get the best solutions for all hair and skin problems under one roof. Best results will be achieved in combination with the course of our advanced laser hair stimulation and IV therapy with customized ingredients. To know more about our specialized PRP treatment triggering hair loss, visit the Amwaj Polyclinic website, where you can also book your appointment with our expert and get invaluable advice for getting your anti-hair loss treatment in Dubai Marina.