In Dubai, about 50 percent of people say they want to lose weight. However, weight loss is easier said than done. If you’ve tried diet and exercise and still haven’t seen the results you want, it might be time for more serious measures. Many noninvasive fat removal processes promise to help get rid of that excess fat. But do processes like ultrasound fat cavitation really work?

What is Ultrasound Cavitation?

Ultrasound cavitation is often billed as a liposuction alternative. It’s another type of noninvasive body contouring method to reduce the appearance of fat on the body. In this method, ultrasonic waves transform your fat cells into fatty acids. Your body can then dispose of those fatty acids — they won’t stick around as fat cells do. However, ultrasound cavitation isn’t technically a “fat loss” procedure. Liposuction targets fat more specifically. With ultrasound fat cavitation, you’ll instead measure your success by how many inches you lose after treatment.

If you want a tighter, more toned look, this might be the right procedure for you.

Does Ultrasonic Cavitation Work?

Yes, ultrasound fat cavitation provides real, measurable results. You’ll be able to see how much circumference you’ve lost using a tape measure — or by simply looking in the mirror. However, keep in mind that it only works in certain areas, and you won’t see overnight results. Be patient, because you’ll see your best results weeks or months after treatment. The results will also vary based on your health history, body type, and other unique factors. These factors affect not only the results you see but how long they’ll last. You might see results after just one treatment. However, most people will need a number of treatments before they get the results they’re hoping for.

The Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation Process

Now, let’s take a look at the process of trying ultrasonic fat cavitation, from start to finish.

1. Make Sure You’re a Candidate

The best way to know you’re a candidate for ultrasound fat cavitation is to book an appointment. However, it’s a good idea to review the factors that make a good candidate first. This treatment won’t work if you are obese. Instead, you should have a specific area or areas of the body where you’re hoping to reduce the appearance of fat. People with bleeding problems shouldn’t do this treatment. Certain health problems, like heart or liver disease, will mean you’re not a good candidate either. If you’re nursing or pregnant, you should also avoid it. Also, medical implants in the body will exclude you from treatment. These might include cochlear implants, pacemakers, and more.

2. Commit to the Process

Losing weight with fat cavitation isn’t as simple as just stepping into a clinic and getting the procedure done. You’ll need to commit to keeping your side of the deal so you can get good results. This includes eating healthy, drinking plenty of water, and exercising regularly before and after your treatments. The more water you drink, the easier it becomes for your body to get rid of the fatty acids that your fat cells turn into.


3. Know What to Expect

Ultrasound fat cavitation empties out your fat cells, rather than destroying them like liposuction does. In some ways, that’s a good thing. With liposuction, your body will continue to make fat. Since it can’t put new fat deposits in cells that have been destroyed, you may end up with fat deposits in new areas of your body. The fat will almost always come back, but with fat cavitation, at least it won’t appear where you least expect it. To make your results last longer, you’ll need a great diet and plenty of regular exercise. If your calorie intake rises above your body’s chances to burn off fat, you’ll see the fat come back.

Ready to Try Ultrasound Fat Cavitation?

Ultrasound fat cavitation offers something different from other noninvasive fat removal processes, like liposuction. For many people, these differences make the option more attractive. You’ll get lasting results if you commit to this treatment, unlike many other procedures. Ready to give it a try? Contact Amwaj Polyclinic to book your appointment today!