Liposuction surgery is a cosmetic surgery to remove body fat. Reduce your unwanted and excess fat with Liposuction in Dubai at Amwaj Polyclinic

Fat deposits are found in areas that can be resistant to diet and exercise, such as the face, neck, breast, abdomen, upper arm, hips, thighs, knees, and ankles. Liposuction or liposculpture carefully removes unwanted subcutaneous fat from the areas of concern with a special surgical instrument attached to a suction machine. The goal is to create a more aesthetically appealing body and is, therefore, not a treatment for obesity or weight loss.

Liposuction can be performed on multiple areas of the body at the same time. The recovery period averages seven to ten days and physical activities should be reduced for the first two weeks. The final result might not be evident until approximately six months after the surgery, as during this time the body re-balances fluids, and remodels and reshapes underlying tissue and skin. Final results will also depend on proper nutrition, exercise, and decreased caloric intake. The patient may have to wear a compression garment to minimize swelling, bruising, and discomfort and to assist in the retraction of any loose skin.

Liposuction is performed under local or conscious sedation. The incisions are small and heal with minimal scarring. Some blood-tinged drainage is expected during the first days. You can resume normal physical activities within four weeks of post-surgery.

Firstly, the total expense of having a liposuction treatment dramatically varies based on the number of body regions treated and the type of liposuction technique used to operate on you—also, the general fee of the surgeon and the clinic change from location to location. Secondly,

everyone is unique, and so are our bodies. The complexity of your procedure will also drive its price. Hence, at Amwaj Polyclinic, we focus on ensuring that you achieve great satisfaction from our treatments instead of compromising the treatments to provide a cheaper option for liposuction in Dubai.

Liposuction is performed with extreme caution and care with highly advanced surgical tools and devices. Also, the chances of risks and complications are minimal due to its minimally invasive nature.
However, in rare cases, the anaesthetic may cause some treatable side-effects, or one may experience some bleeding, infections, and skin ulcerations. Whenever and wherever you plan to get your liposuction surgery in Dubai, UAE, ensure that you are made aware of all these risks well before the surgery.

Liposuction is performed as part of the tummy tuck surgery, which is performed only to contour the abdominal area. Liposuction is combined with many aesthetic body contouring surgeries and can also be performed independently for medical reasons. Also, liposuction does not involve reshaping the skin, while tummy tuck involves shredding the extra skin while altering the abdominal shape


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