5 Safety Strategies Employed By Amwaj Polyclinic To Fight Against COVID-19

Entering the fifth month of the worldwide quarantines and lockdowns, we are still battling the spread of COVID -19 in Dubai. All healthcare facilities around Dubai are exercising the essential guidelines for protecting their staff and patients, including our team at Amwaj Polyclinic. In fact, since the news of the coronavirus breakout, we have implemented as many safety precautions in our practices as possible to best serve our patients throughout and after this critical phase at our clinic in JBR Marina, Dubai.

Apart from solemnly following all the basic safety guidelines of screening new patients, wearing masks and maintaining distance, here are some additional strategies that our team has been practicing in and around our clinic:

Strategy For Distinguishing Potentially Infected Patients:

As a patient calls for an appointment, s/he will be given a specific time slot to visit. After their non-contact temperature check with a Thermo scanner upon their visit, our staff follows a standard questionnaire to gain insight into the patient’s travel and stay history.

We check if the patient has visited any of the coronavirus hot-spot locations around the world and where they have been staying for the past few months.

If during the appointment call, it is found that the patient has been caring for someone who is ill or is suffering from even mild symptoms of infection, s/he is promptly provided with all necessary information about where to go for COVID-19 testing and treatment over the phone itself.

Changes In Clinical Operations and Policies:

We promptly stopped allowing walk-ins to avoid crowding of the clinic and shutdown our waiting area to reduce the number of potential contact points.

Patients are asked to come-in alone or with one parent in case of minors.

All documentation is done electronically and before the patient visits the clinic to reduce any hassle at the reception.

As per the Dubai Municipality’s requirement, we have additionally signed up with an authorized company for daily sanitization services along with our On-site cleaning staff to frequently sanitize all ‘touch-points’, especially door handles, desks and machines

Collaboration With Other Local Healthcare Facilities:

We are in constant touch with the local testing and healthcare facilities that provide us with alerts and updates on the ongoing condition and share resources and information.

Our relationship with these facilities will hold firm during emergencies and outbreaks to manage all our patients with proper care.

We are also in touch with our local health department to share emergency alerts and know about any change in policies and regulations promptly.

Keeping The Staff AND Patients Up-To-Date:

The best tool to fight this virus right now is factual and relevant knowledge. Our staff has been sufficiently trained in using and maintaining their PPE gear and is informed about any latest findings or treatments every day. We have also equipped every member with additional training and information on treating patients with symptoms of infection.

All patients in the clinic and the ones planning to visit are updated about any new information or policy changes. Patients who are undergoing treatment are also updated about their further treatment steps and changes frequently.

We are constantly sharing new information through our website and social media accounts to keep our audience knowledgeable.

Enforcing our staff with Proper Gear and Policies:

We maintain a substantial stock of PPE gears and disinfectant supplies at all times. And to ensure we don’t overstress our staff, we have loosened up our leave policies and reviewed our emergency strategies for operating the clinic even at minimum strength.

With all the safety measures in place,

we can confidently ask you to visit us for any pediatric, skin, or gynecology related problems and we’ll be ready to help you throughout this pandemic crisis. You can visit the Amwaj Polycilic website to check out all the services and treatments we provide and book your appointment to visit our clinic in JBR, Dubai.