We are still here for you!

Dear Patients,
During these uncertain times and developments regarding Covid -19 you may be anxious about how you can safely visit a doctor.
To accommodate our community, our Medical department at the Amwaj Polyclinic will remain open under strict safety guidelines to protect you and our staff.
We will not accept walk-ins during the following weeks and ask all of you seeking medical help to first contact our clinic at +971 44221331 and our what’s app number +971 505575780.
Our clinical operational hours are reduced to Saturday, Monday and Wednesday 10am-6pm.
If you experience a cold or you have flu-like or Covid-19 like symptoms you first need to talk with one of our doctors over the phone. The doctor will guide you through the steps that you should take.
We further have implemented advanced disinfection procedures which include cleaning door handles, doctor’s cabinets, waiting areas and the reception area after the visit of each client.
We also ask every patient to limit the number of people accompanying you. This is important for your and our safety. To ensure maximum safety we will keep a longer time between appointments.
In contrast to our Medical Department, our Aesthetic Department will remain closed until further notice.
At Amwaj Polyclinic your health and well-being remain our major concern,