Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty) – The Plastic Surgery Journey (2022)

Tummy Tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty) – The Plastic Surgery Journey (2022)
Tummy Tuck also known as abdominoplasty is a restorative, cosmetic surgery.
During the procedure, excess skin and fat from your stomach are removed, and the connective tissues are tightened to improve the appearance of your belly. This helps to achieve a flatter and more toned look. You might undergo a tummy tuck if you have extra skin or fat around your belly button or a weak lower abdominal wall.

The procedure of abdominoplasty
Abdominoplasty is done under general anesthesia. There are two types:
Partial abdominoplasty
It involves:
- Making a cut (incision) across the lower abdomen
- Separating the skin from the abdominal wall below the belly button
- Removing the extra skin and fat
- Bringing the remaining skin together and securing it with stitches.
Full abdominoplasty
It involves:
- Making an incision right above the pubic area across the lower tummy from hip to hip.
- A second incision to remove the belly button from the tissue that surrounds it.
- Removing extra skin and fat, realigning the abdominal muscles, detaching the skin from the abdominal wall, creating a new hole for the belly button, and sewing it back in place.
- Bringing the remaining skin together and securing it with stitches
- The procedure may take two to five hours.
- Most patients require a few nights in the hospital.e to stay with you.
You will leave the hospital wearing dressings, tummy-control pants, or a corset to apply pressure to your stomach. You’ll need a ride home and someon

Benefits of Abdominoplasty
Patients who have had children or who have lost a large amount of weight can benefit greatly from tummy tuck surgery. Some of the other benefits include:
- A tummy tuck produces a smaller, flatter waistline by removing extra fat and skin.
It restores abdominal muscles that are weak or torn. It can then rectify a protruding belly, sometimes known as a “pooch.”

- It restores abdominal muscles that are weak or torn. It can then rectify a protruding belly, sometimes known as a “pooch.”
- The surgery removes your stretch marks from pregnancy. Additionally, it improves the scars of hysterectomy and C-section.
- Boosts your confidence
- It improves medical conditions such as urinary incontinence and lower back pain.
- Tummy tuck also strengthens your abdominal muscles resulting in better balance and stability, better posture, and reduced back pain.
- Strengthening muscles and the abdominal wall also helps in preventing ventral hernia.
Ideal Candidates

Are there any associated risks?
What to expect