Pregnant and worried about the new Corona virus

With all the uncertainties, it’s no wonder pregnant women are feeling anxious.
It is essential to keep attending prenatal appointments. Speak to your gynecologists to get advice based on your individual case how often you should come to the clinic. It might be an option to space out the appointments.
As COVID-19 is a new virus, experts have not yet identified its effects on pregnancy. They remain unsure whether pregnant women are more at risk of getting COVID-19 or experiencing more severe symptoms and whether they might pass the virus to the baby.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), no evidence currently exists to suggest that pregnant women are at higher risk of experiencing severe COVID-19 symptoms than the general population.
If a pregnant woman has flu like symptoms, such as coughing, fever or shortness of breath and/ or suspecting an COVID-19 infection, she should call a doctor, to see if an appointment is recommendable. The doctor can make recommendations about how to proceed and if a COVID-19 testing is necessary. If the symptoms are mild, the doctor might recommend self-isolation at home.
Home treatment includes taking medication for fever relief, resting and drinking plenty of water. A high fever or difficulty breathing are signs that urgent care is necessary.
Pregnant women may feel additional stress, anxiety, or depression during the COVID-19 pandemic. But even if they are self-isolating, they do not have to face these problems alone. Amwaj Polyclinic and its medical team is there for you to support, also via telephone.
You can also sign up for online prenatal yoga classes or meditation courses to fight anxiety.
It is best for pregnant women to focus on the elements that they can control, including self-care and social distancing.
Keeping in regular contact with your gynecologists can also help you feel confident about your health and the upcoming birth.
The situation seems to be changing weekly, hence pregnant patients should be in constant communication with their gynecologists regarding any possible changes to their birth plans.
Like any other big transition, pregnant women can best manage their anxiety by shifting expectations, redefining priorities, and focusing on one day at a time.
With focusing on the dynamics, you can control and experiencing gratitude for what you have in your life and allow yourself to be more flexible so you can feel emotionally prepared for whatever comes