Low levels of vitamin D in your blood may make you more susceptible for COVID-19

Low levels of vitamin D in the Dubai population may increase the risk for COVID-19
Recent studies suggest a relation between COVID-19 illness and vitamin D levels in the blood of patients. New insights indicate that healthy levels of vitamin D may help to fight COVID-19 disease.
This is an important new finding for people in Dubai as former studies from DHA in 2017 demonstrated that over 90% of the population in Dubai suffers from low levels of vitamin D in their blood. With the recent lock-down where we stayed insight for almost 2 months and the following summer period where we mostly avoid the sun, it is expected that the level of vitamin D has dropped even further and the number of people lacking sufficient vitamin D will have increased.
This may be a serious health threat during the corona pandemic. Seeing a doctor have your vitamin D level checked and an adequate vitamin D cure prescribed is therefore strongly recommended.
Can Vitamin D Help Fighting COVID-19?
Vitamin D is naturally produced by our body during exposure to sunlight and it is present in low quantities in certain foods. Many people take vitamin D supplements to restore an unhealthy low vitamin D level in their blood.
Vitamin D is responsible for increasing intestinal absorption of calcium and building bones and teeth. It also supports the immune system and plays a significant role in supporting lung functions and preventing respiratory infections.
Recent research on COVID-19 by groups of researchers from different countries has shown that the sickest patients often have the lowest levels of vitamin D and that countries with higher death rates had larger numbers of people with vitamin D deficiency than countries with lower death rates.
Adequate vitamin D levels help the respiratory system stay healthy and prevent infections.
Multiple Covid-19 related surveys and studies that were carried out since the pandemic found that the most affected Covid-19 patients showed significant vitamin D deficiency. Because all these studies were diversely performed in different countries such as China, France, Germany, Italy, Iran, the United Kingdom (UK), the United States, etc., the potency of vitamin D supplements to fight COVID-19 could be more realistic than initially anticipated
Research conducted at the University of Chicago concluded that patients who were vitamin D deficient were more susceptible to the COVID-19 infection than those with sufficient vitamin D levels.
Researchers from the Northwestern University (US) conducted a statistical analysis of data from hospitals and clinics across several countries and looked for a potential link between vitamin D deficiency and inflammation in patients with severe COVID-19 illness. They concluded that vitamin D deficient patients were more likely to develop a severe COVID-19 infection than patients with healthy vitamin D levels.
Experts comment that healthy blood levels of vitamin D may help people with COVID-19 avoid a cytokine storm when their immune system overreacts and attacks their own cells and body tissues. It seems that vitamin D gives the body a higher chance of surviving this inflammatory reaction that is out of control.
Although vitamin D has proven to treat and reduce the risk of respiratory infections that are caused by other coronaviruses, more research is needed to establish if restoring low vitamin D levels could significantly help as a treatment for the Covid-19 virus.
Although the question if vitamin D supplements for people with low vitamin D levels in their blood can significantly help as a treatment for the COVID-19 virus demands for further research, doctors and researchers now agree that restoring healthy vitamin D levels is strongly recommended as vitamin D plays a significant role in multiple functions of the body among others respiratory health and strengthening the immune system.
Your risk for low vitamin D levels?
Former research revealed that most residents in Dubai (90% according to a DHA study) suffer from low vitamin D levels in their blood. As we all stayed indoors for almost 2 months during the outbreak of the pandemic we were less exposed to sunlight and the level of vitamin D may have considerably dropped further. Physicians in Dubai are concerned that the number of residents with extremely low vitamin D levels (insufficient and even deficient levels) has increased considerably.
How to restore the vitamin d level in your blood?
The number of Genefill Body Filler sessions needed may vary based on several factors, including the individual’s aesthetic goals, the areas being treated, and the extent of correction required. While significant improvements may be achieved in one session, multiple sessions may be recommended for extensive enhancements or touch ups.
How Long is the Recovery Time?
It is easy to know the vitamin D level in your blood. A simple blood test can be done in the clinic. Based on the actual vitamin D level the doctor will prescribe the appropriate vitamin D cure.